
Our programs

For the well-being of families, I have created a proven model, integrating psychology, pedagogy, nutrition and spirituality. I am passionate about helping families understand how chronic illnesses develop, and how to strengthen their health by developing natural eating habits. In my practice I utilize nutritional therapy, positive psychology and the theology of the body, creating a safe space for people to begin to heal their bodies, minds and emotions to become the best version of themselves. I recognize that each person is on their own path and that only by fostering values of respect, responsibility, empathy, commitment and honesty, will they be able to achieve their goals of health and wellness.




Tanto el Programa para activar el metabolismo de 4 Semanas como el Protocolo Psico-Neuro-Inmune se centran en eliminar los alimentos que son difíciles de digerir y que dañan la flora intestinal. Estos alimentos dañinos serán reemplazados con alimentos densos en nutrientes para que el revestimiento intestinal tenga la oportunidad de curarse.

Programa de 4 SEMANAS

Beneficios del Programa de 4 Semanas (Basado en Protocolo GAPS):

  • To have a clear mind and greater resistance to stress.
  • Strengthen your immune system
  • Improve your sleep quality
  • Rediscover your creativity and motivation,
  • To be more committed to life
  • To have more confidence and vitality,
  • Restore your sexual desire
  • Achieving mental and emotional stability
  • To have more energy to work, play and love
  • Recover your energy
  • Improve your digestion and heal your gut
  • Lose weight, tone your body and feel younger!                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Duración: 4 semanas
/Free evaluation

Programa de 12 SEMANAS

Benefits of the 12-Week Program (Combines GAPS Protocol, Liver Cleanse with Intermittent Fasting Program):

  • Discovering what to eat to improve nutrition
  • Improving sleep quality to balance your day/night cycle
  • Support digestion and detoxification with the increase of digestive enzymes.
  • Develop daily wellness habits.
  • Changing the way you think about food
  • Nourish your spirit with prayer and meditation
  • Reprogramming your brain for healing
  • Identify chronic infections
  • Detoxify your intestine of parasites, bacteria, viruses, yeasts / fungi
  • Eliminate molds, heavy metals and other toxins.
  • Healing and sealing the leaky gut
  • Increasing beneficial intestinal bacteria
  • Rebalancing hormones
  • Identify and eliminate hidden food sensitivities.
  • Restore cellular function
  • Organize your kitchen and pantry to continue your health habits.
Duration 12 weeks
/Free evaluation
16 semanas

Programa 16 SEMANAS

A menudo, se necesita un acto de resolución y coraje, para salir de la situación intestinal en la que se encuentran tantas personas. No hay mejor manera que tomar una acción positiva.

Las instrucciones que se dan en este programa le darán la oportunidad de asumir una mayor responsabilidad sobre su nivel de salud y bienestar.

Mejorar el estado de su intestino le dará una renovación en salud, energía y vitalidad.

Este programa es solo el comienzo de un nuevo camino.

Una vez que el intestino se limpia del material de desecho acumulado, comienza el siguiente paso.

Abandonar los viejos hábitos es algo muy difícil para la mayoría de las personas, pero es absolutamente esencial para recuperar la salud por completo.

El proceso de construcción comienza cuando las actitudes y hábitos correctos y vivificantes toman el mando.

Duración 16 semanas
/Free evaluation
"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you and whom you have received from God? You are not your own masters."
1 Corintios 6:19-20


Our programs are online with continuous assistance, we also provide experiential encounters, support materials, private conferences, daily menu and prayer assistance.

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