Adriana Maluf

Adriana is an experienced professional with a deep passion for research in nutrition and holistic health, her purpose is to guide and orient people on their path to physical, mental and emotional wellness.

Her unique combination of talents and experience allows her to help individuals and families live a healthy lifestyle, through a balance of nutrition and habits based on positive psychology, with a scientific perspective that places value on the factors that contribute to the development of a fulfilling life.


Change your health and life:

Tanto el Programa Psico-Neuro-Inmune como el resto de los programas se centran en eliminar los alimentos que son difíciles de digerir y que dañan la flora intestinal. Estos alimentos dañinos serán reemplazados con alimentos densos en nutrientes para que el revestimiento intestinal tenga la oportunidad de curarse.

 The Follow-Up Program brinda una guía y orientación a la persona a través de respuestas a preguntas individuales y boletines semanales con recetas y menú diario. El Seguimiento está diseñado para las personas que desean seguir en este caminar saludable y/o personas que quieran comenzar a desarrollar un nuevo estilo de vida.

Why choose our services?

My team is highly trained to provide you with the quality of service you need. They are people willing to listen to you, guide you and help you with much love and patience, to prepare you to start this wonderful journey that will lead you to improve your health and your life.

My knowledge in Psychology, Pedagogy, and Theology, have led me to prove what it means to break schemes to achieve wellness, reconstructing the concept of health as an integrity that involves physical, mental and emotional development. I cultivate my spirituality daily, through my catholic faith, and I share this knowledge with my work team.

We are a team of people in love with LIFE. Our methodology is based on understanding, in a direct and firm way. We have the total conviction that your life can be transformed by working with discipline and constancy. You will learn to create healthy habits, your body will begin to show progressive changes and you will heal from physical, mental and emotional ailments.

Our accompaniment is integral, we effectively combine science and spirituality to motivate you to learn new life habits, making changes in your diet, managing your emotions and strengthening your faith to make deep transformations.

My professional background allows me to have a deep understanding of how human behavior works. I have built an agile, comprehensive and direct methodology to guide you to develop a new perspective of your life situation and incorporate lasting and integral changes.

Prayer is a necessary tool to carry out this process of transformation. Meditation on the Word is immersed in each of our activities, to strengthen our spirit, give meaning to our life and continue in the search for the transcendent.

"One of the principles of Conscious Eating and Spiritual Nutrition is to eat foods that are as close as possible to the way God created them and nature prepared them."

Our Satisfied Customers


“Perdi 40 libras y pude sanar mi hígado graso”


Albert China


“Comence el programa con 223 libras, ya no podía caminar del peso de mi cuerpo, y terminé el programa con 150, perdí 73 libras”


Eulalia García




” Perdí 71 libras, superando grandes problemas de salud”


Beatriz Cristobal




 “He superado la Diabetes, Colesterol y Presión Arterial que sufría de hace más de 20 años “


Octavio García




 “El quiste de 5cm del ovario derecho desapareció al igual que los quistes de mi ovario izquierdo”


Krystal del Angel





“Pude dejar más de 30 medicamentos en 2 semanas”



Armida Cruz


Encuentro de Salud y Vida

Algunos testimonios del Encuentro de Salud y Vida “Verano 2022”


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